All about Putrajaya Floria Festival 2012
....... Be Humble Be Kind ........Walk by Faith, not by Sight, Hebrew 4:15-16 In All Things, Praise the Lord; John 3:16 Be contented and be Stress free. Stay in peace---> with people and with nature
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Still Waiting
No KDrama to watch these few days...all uploaded new Eps of the DKrama on the list
are watched through. Its killing me to wait for a new episode, but nothing i can do. So helpless in this state.
Anyway, just saying that i am disparately needed new episode actually. a beautiful Thursday morning.Last night's rain has brought good feeling in me.
I am happy thinking about how glad and grateful my vegetables are because they finally soaked wet in the water. They have been dried for so long already. Thanks for the rain.
Many little things happened within these few days- pay day, buying clothes, eating good food, go gardening, go jogging, playing at the playground, writing my thoughts in my secret diary, etc. But most of is
reading daily morning mails from hubby. I like it. It makes my mood lightened throughout the day. Missing you honey!
I tried my creativity last night. Putting my little prince on the tip of my finger nails. Here it is!
I saw someone posting something like this in ECI the other day, and i wanted my very own. So i invent this for myself. Though i know its not as good but well, he is still recognizable! you can tell who he is right?
Next time i will definitely do Merlin!!!Really missing him by now.
are watched through. Its killing me to wait for a new episode, but nothing i can do. So helpless in this state.
Anyway, just saying that i am disparately needed new episode actually. a beautiful Thursday morning.Last night's rain has brought good feeling in me.
I am happy thinking about how glad and grateful my vegetables are because they finally soaked wet in the water. They have been dried for so long already. Thanks for the rain.
Many little things happened within these few days- pay day, buying clothes, eating good food, go gardening, go jogging, playing at the playground, writing my thoughts in my secret diary, etc. But most of is
reading daily morning mails from hubby. I like it. It makes my mood lightened throughout the day. Missing you honey!
I tried my creativity last night. Putting my little prince on the tip of my finger nails. Here it is!
I saw someone posting something like this in ECI the other day, and i wanted my very own. So i invent this for myself. Though i know its not as good but well, he is still recognizable! you can tell who he is right?
Next time i will definitely do Merlin!!!Really missing him by now.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Fish Oil - Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Reading information on the net is so searching for information regarding fish oil
Omega 3 Fatty Acid...tons of information popped up and they are so contradict with
each other.
The most confusing thing is there is one website said- avoid fish oil that has been molecularly distilled. The distillation process alters the natural form of the oil. Yes, it may remove some of the toxins, but the oil is no longer in it's natural state.
BUT the other said molecularly distilled fish oil should be the only kind on your shopping list.Its the hallmark of pharmaceutical grade oil for pregnant women because it is 100% free of mercury.
Advantages of Molecularly Distilled Fish Oil
Purity. Molecularly distilled fish oil is the purest.
Concentrated Dose. More Omega-3 per pill.
Less Odor. Less rancidity and oxidation
-----They really contradict each other!-----------
Whatever it is- i think, though information given are some sort of promoting their own products i will still stick to any product as long as it contains omega 3 fatty acids - not just "fish oil and It should list the total amount of EPA and DHA on the label. The fish oil should be guaranteed to be 100% pure.
Reading information on the net is so searching for information regarding fish oil
Omega 3 Fatty Acid...tons of information popped up and they are so contradict with
each other.
The most confusing thing is there is one website said- avoid fish oil that has been molecularly distilled. The distillation process alters the natural form of the oil. Yes, it may remove some of the toxins, but the oil is no longer in it's natural state.
BUT the other said molecularly distilled fish oil should be the only kind on your shopping list.Its the hallmark of pharmaceutical grade oil for pregnant women because it is 100% free of mercury.
Advantages of Molecularly Distilled Fish Oil
Purity. Molecularly distilled fish oil is the purest.
Concentrated Dose. More Omega-3 per pill.
Less Odor. Less rancidity and oxidation
-----They really contradict each other!-----------
Whatever it is- i think, though information given are some sort of promoting their own products i will still stick to any product as long as it contains omega 3 fatty acids - not just "fish oil and It should list the total amount of EPA and DHA on the label. The fish oil should be guaranteed to be 100% pure.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
KDramas - Waiting!
(Talking to myself)
Yey! Ep.10 for A Gentleman's Dignity is up!!!
Am sure everyone knows the pressure and discomfort of waiting...shall i say...its painful! :) yeah, it is.
I hate it!..:^__^
Anyway, what i was talking about in regards of waiting was ...waiting for my recent fav KDramas to be uploading with English Sub! I have 3 KDramas on going which are:
1. I Do..I Do,
2. A Gentleman's Dignity, and
3. Unexpected You.
Since these three KDramas are still airing in Korean TV, they will definitely up with English Sub few days after its actual airing time. That is what makes me waiting..waiting..and waiting... Well, that's my bad. I dont understand Korean Language. And, Of course, all my deepest thanks to those hardworking subbers for taking their time to sub the drama so that people like me can enjoy the drama to the fullest. I really wish i could influently listen, talk and write in Korean . I've tried to self learn through online lesson but i found it very difficult. hehehhee....i am not good in learning new foreign languages.
For now, since i have so many free times, i spend some times writing my thoughts (of course in Malay) in my secret diary, some times watching other Korean Shows especially Running Man and Strong Heart and some times for watching English Movie.
Anyway, i guess i need to start watching Time Slip, Dr. Jin now as i see the subbed Episodes are already up to Ep 9 even though I've tried hard not to watch it yet as i don't want to put my self in agony of waiting like i did for other dramas....but the truth is i really want to see my hero in action. Song Seung Hun is my all time fav actor since Autumn in My Heart...and there are also handsome Kim JaeJoong and cutie Park Min Young!
Yey! Ep.10 for A Gentleman's Dignity is up!!!
Am sure everyone knows the pressure and discomfort of waiting...shall i say...its painful! :) yeah, it is.
I hate it!..:^__^
Anyway, what i was talking about in regards of waiting was ...waiting for my recent fav KDramas to be uploading with English Sub! I have 3 KDramas on going which are:
1. I Do..I Do,
2. A Gentleman's Dignity, and
3. Unexpected You.
Since these three KDramas are still airing in Korean TV, they will definitely up with English Sub few days after its actual airing time. That is what makes me waiting..waiting..and waiting... Well, that's my bad. I dont understand Korean Language. And, Of course, all my deepest thanks to those hardworking subbers for taking their time to sub the drama so that people like me can enjoy the drama to the fullest. I really wish i could influently listen, talk and write in Korean . I've tried to self learn through online lesson but i found it very difficult. hehehhee....i am not good in learning new foreign languages.
For now, since i have so many free times, i spend some times writing my thoughts (of course in Malay) in my secret diary, some times watching other Korean Shows especially Running Man and Strong Heart and some times for watching English Movie.
Anyway, i guess i need to start watching Time Slip, Dr. Jin now as i see the subbed Episodes are already up to Ep 9 even though I've tried hard not to watch it yet as i don't want to put my self in agony of waiting like i did for other dramas....but the truth is i really want to see my hero in action. Song Seung Hun is my all time fav actor since Autumn in My Heart...and there are also handsome Kim JaeJoong and cutie Park Min Young! i dying!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
My grateful and humble heart thanks all my Facebook friends who have sent their wishes on my birthday yesterday. I enjoy reading every single same message conveyed in many different ways. I have received all sort of wishes like : hb, HaP Birthday, Happy Bday, Apy Bday, ect. Not that they do not know how to spell "Happy Birthday" correctly but i believe each of them are unique in their own way as how they wrote their wishes. Fully aware that i am so into Korean things, some even sent birthday song in Korean language. I like that! And, that's what makes my life so blessed. Friends are angels God send to be next to us in this world. I really do love my friends. I am sincere. :))
Kamsahamnida---my dearly friends.
May God Bless all of you too!
(Below Article is for CHRISTIAN READERS ONLY)
Forgiveness: The Power That Heals
Some years ago during a visit to Yellowstone Park, one writer observed that the only animal that the grizzly bear would share his food with was a skunk.
It wasn't that the grizzly wanted to share his food but rather that he chose to. With one swing of his powerful paw he could have crushed the skunk.
Because he knew the high cost to getting even.
Clever bear! Undoubtedly he learned the hard way. Strange that we humans often aren't as smart. Sometimes we carry grudges for years, often repressing them from conscious memory, and end up hurting ourselves more than the ones we would like to get even with. We fail to see how damaging an unforgiving spirit is.
Physicians and counselors alike attest to the damage done by failing to forgive. Some medical doctors estimate that the majority of illnesses they treat are related to emotional problems such as resentment which is a lack of forgiveness. And counselors see the roots of bitterness reflected in depression, anxiety, and destroyed relationships.
I read one report of an astonished patient who was told by his doctor: "If you don't cut out your resentments, I may have to cut out a part of your intestinal tract."
Fortunately, the man took the doctor's advice. He had been nursing a bitter grudge against a former business partner. He went to see this man, resolved their differences, and forgave him. When he returned to the doctor, his physical condition had cleared up.
imprisoned by the past.
That advice isn't new of course. The greatest physician who ever lived, Jesus Christ, pointed out 2,000 years ago the importance of forgiveness. When he encouraged us to "forgive seventy-seven times," he was thinking of our emotional and physical well-being as much as our spiritual. In his book, None of These Diseases, Dr. S. I. McMillen reported that a forgiving spirit could save us from "ulcerative colitis, toxic goiters, high blood pressure, and scores of other diseases" including ulcers, asthma, arthritis, neuro-dermatitis, and heart ailments—all possible effects of resentment.
Some time ago in an article in Time1 inspired by Pope John Paul's forgiveness of his would-be assassin, Mehmet Ali Agca, journalist Lance Morrow wrote, "The psychological case for forgiveness is overwhelmingly persuasive. Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past, by old grievances that do not permit life to proceed with new business.
"Not to forgive is to yield oneself to another's control. If one does not forgive, then one is controlled by the other's initiatives and is locked into a sequence of act and response, of outrage and revenge, tit for tat, escalating always. The present is endlessly overwhelmed and devoured by the past."
But to forgive is to be free from the past.
Jesus Christ pointed out another disturbing truth about an unforgiving spirit when he said "If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”2
I believe what Christ meant was that an unforgiving spirit on my part is a sure sign that I haven't truly shown remorse to God for all my failures nor experienced fully his forgiveness.
Furthermore, an unforgiving attitude is destructive to personal relationships. It goes without saying that many close relationships, especially marriage relationships, are destroyed not so much by what has been done but by what hasn't been done—forgiving one another.
Wherever I fail to forgive another, a wall of resentment builds up between us and eventually we become estranged. But once I forgive, feelings of love can be restored if that is appropriate. I say "if that is appropriate" because there are times, such as in cases of abuse or a lack of repentance, when forgiveness should not lead to restoration of the relationship.
However, forgiveness needs to be genuine and not just a religious or sentimental act because it is "the right thing to do." If our forgiveness isn't genuine, resentment will poke its ugly head out at the most unexpected times—like when a couple get into an argument, they start dragging up events from the past that they still feel resentful about. Obviously those things haven't been forgiven. Forgiveness may not forget the past but it can bury it.
Forgiveness can be very difficult if we have been hurt deeply but how do we forgive someone when he doesn't even feel he has wronged us?
According to one author, Susan Jacoby, we can't. She feels that "real forgiveness cannot take place without an acknowledgment of wrongdoing on the part of the person who is chiefly responsible for causing pain."3
If this is so, some of us are going to carry grudges for a long, long time. True, when a person acknowledges his wrongdoing, that certainly makes forgiveness easier. But when he doesn't, which is often the case, forgiveness becomes a choice. We can choose to forgive or not to forgive.
doesn't even feel he has wronged us?
We need to realize, however, that forgiveness is essential perhaps not so much for the wrong that has happened to us, but because of our resentment towards the one who has wronged us. Lack of forgiveness is caused by this resentment—a mixture of hurt and anger. Therefore, to forgive genuinely, one needs to face and deal with his hurt and anger.
To resolve our hurt and anger, we need to be totally honest and admit exactly how we feel. Then we need to get these feelings off our chest-not by lashing out and hurting the other person, but by "speaking the truth in love,"4 or by writing out our feelings until they are completely dissipated.
To forgive another, however, is not to ignore justice. Pope John Paul forgave his would-be-assassin, but the man stayed in prison, and rightly so. And where we want others to forgive us, if we are genuine, we will want to do all in our power to make a just restitution.
When God forgives us, he does so on the basis of both his justice and his love. His justice required a just sentence and confirmed death as the penalty or price of man's sin. But his love paid that price when he gave his Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross in our place as the just retribution for our sins and wrongs. Therefore, God can freely forgive us and not in any way violate his divine justice.
The important thing is that we respond to God's love and forgiveness by acknowledging our sin and wrongdoing and accepting his free pardon. And then, in appreciation to God for his forgiveness of us, let us freely forgive other as we ourselves have been so freely forgiven.5
Forgiveness frees and heals the forgiver. Have you been freed?
1. Time, Jan. 9, 1984. 2. Matthew 6:14-15, (NIV). 3. McCall's, 1983.
4. Ephesians 4:15. 5. Colossians 3:12-13.
4. Ephesians 4:15. 5. Colossians 3:12-13.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Well, today is my Grand Day....Happy Birthday to me!!! make a wish...make a wish!..:D.. Today I am a year younger than on the same date next year. hehehehe...but i still wish i was 25...knowing that i couldn't do anything about it, i will just let this day pass by whilst enjoying every moment to the fullest.
I certainly hope / wish for every great things to happen in my life especially my faith will remain strong and grow deeper, my family members are safe and healthy regardless wherever we may be and friends that are loyal and trustworthy. In reality, nothing good always happen in a person's life, and when that bad days passing me by, i hope to be spared with more courage, patience and perseverance. Only by then, i think, i become more understandable with this crazy world. Seriously, earth has become less kind to humankind as how unkind humankind treated the earth. Its just is round, what goes around comes around.
Anyway, Angel and me spent our time last night watching Mirror Mirror the movie.... I have always been a fan of Fairy Tales....and Disney Magical the Movies -Disney Princesses and its know :) and obviously, this movie is captivating me. The second attraction is Julia Roberts. She is such an amazing actress, no need introduction of sure everyone know how and who she is. Becoming the evil queen suits her well...Beautiful Evil Queen with humor. I love her!
(Stunning Evil Queen) - Julia Roberts is beautiful as always
Mirror Mirror is a 2012 comedy fantasy film based on the fairy tale "Snow White" by theBrothers Grimm. It is directed by Tarsem Singh and stars Lily Collins, Julia Roberts,Armie Hammer, Nathan Lane, and Sean Bean. The film was released March 30, 2012 in theaters. Mirror Mirror will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 26, 2012. I got to buy a copy of it Blu-Ray for personal collection :))
Lily Collins turned Princess as she suits Snow White well, she becomes one of my favorite princesses's actresses together with Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries) and Amy Adams (Enchanted).
This is the prince--well, i do not know him before but i love his charming and funny character in this movie. He indeed looks like a real prince. Really handsome, i wish Collin Morgan (Merlin) had a body like him..LOL..:) ..i mean Collin is perfect as he is but he is skinny! Merlin i love you!
These are the dwarfs... of course they are funny as in many other snow white story, but they have their own charms and attractiveness.
For those who haven't had a chance to watch the movie...give it a go. Even if you do not believe in fairy wouldn't regret this one. Its sure entertaining.
Happy Watching!
Pictures Sourced by: Google.
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