
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blessed Weekend!!

Thanks My Lord...Our weekend was great as always! Its all possible because of Your grace! Truly blessed to be your princess my Heavenly Father! :)

Not going to write more for this entry but i guess i will upload more photos. As people always say, a picture worth a thousand words...I do not own a very expensive camera or a DSLR, ok.  But i truly cherish my iPhone 4, its enough to instantly capture every moment that come forward in my life plus the quality is not something i regret about. I love it, i have always been a fan of Apple products ever since i have the iPod in June 2006!! ...  Am not a professional in this photography, its better not to expect good skill or quality. hehehehee....

Have a chance to see this unique and rare caterpillar...i wonder what kind of butterfly it will become? or, is this kind of caterpillar will really transform to be a butterfly? i don't know.

Aha...there goes my car mileage, i have promised myself to take a picture when the mileage reach to 44444 but i forgot, and when i realized, it was already at 44449...anyway still an interesting number to see. :)
My car is now 3years few months old.

comes a birthday celebration...the most favorite event for every children! Everyone likes Birthdays...time to blow the candles.  Having a hard time though in choosing a birthday present especially for a 12years old boy!!!

well, without good food and good friends....there wouldn't be a perfect gathering. I do really love all my friends....The people that God specially choose to come to my life so they will paint some colors in my life. Weekend willof course almost dull without them around....

After having a good brunch cum dinner...we headed to our vegetable garden.  There again, how blessed i was that evening that to have been able to encounter this magnificent insect! This is not a lady bug right, because a lady bug would be round with black and red color.  This insect really beautiful, i love the combination of colors on its wings.  I do not know how to call it, but am glad to be able to capture it before it flew away because of Angel's voice. :)

What is the name of this plant/vegetable in English? hahahaha...too lazy to do researh...anyway, we call it "bua Aman" in Kayan Language and in Malay its called "Petola" perfect for soup!!
These are "Pichay" babies ....thats how they called in "Tagalog" glad to see them growing well...:)

This plant looks familiar, isnt it? yes, a cucumber plant.  I like the young leaves when you cook it mix with wild mushroom and young corn.  Try it, you will like it...:)

yes, of course, there should be egg plants in the garden.
  We plant all our favorite vegetables, you see.  This activity is truly fun!!! we enjoyed the evening, watering the plants and removed some stupid weeds!!

 That's P.2 and P.3 view from my apartment during night time.  Such a beautiful view actually with all the light on.  There was fire crackers show on Saturday night, but i was too late to capture the beautiful ones...viewing from my balcony is always perfect!!!..

well, anyway, the pictures below will end my entry for this weekend coverage.
Can you use it in Automatic Parking Machine? or A public PayPhone? i guess they will have to modify all the machines in order to use this new coins.  Another unnecessary cost!
Go Figure!


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