
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 28, 2011

Edisi Khas untuk BNS

by the way, i have to write in Malay again this time....

edisi ini memang dikhaskan untuk BFF aku yang satu ni..(errk BFF ker kita? dia kena komen arr kat blog ni untuk bagi jawapan) blog pun dia tak der, cam mana tu?  aku tak mengharap sangat pun, sebab semalam, aku tanya dia, dia baca ker tak blog aku, dia kata, TAK BACA ARRRR, alasan? sebab tak terrer cakap omputeh dia tak paham apa yang aku rapu-rapukan kat blog neh....
tapi...boleh caya ker? aku sendiri pun tak caya neh.....aku pun boleh kata aku tak pandai cakap omputeh...takkan sepatah dua tak reti cik BNs oiii?
memang dia bukan peminat aku agaknya...huhuhuhu...takper la....
berbalik kepada edisi khas untuk BNS ni, aku tulis dalam Malay kali ni, supaya
menyenangkan dia baca blog aku ni...(kalau dia tersinggah kononnya) sebenarnya, untuk lebih menyenangkan dia, aku harus tulis dlm bahasa Johor or lebih tepat bahasa Jawa , masalahnya, sepatah pun
aku tak reti...lagi teruk la aku ni...semalam dia siap tanya ada tak gossip2 aku bangkitkan kat blog...ha ni la dia aku nak gossip2kan dia kali ni........agaknya dia berminat dgn blog yang penuh gossip-gossipan kot...aku tak pandai lah nak bergosip sesangat...weh....:)

sebenarnya kan,....english aku tulis pun, english tahap darjah 6 jerr....entah, vocabulary,entah grammar dah bertaburan...tapi aku kisah apa kan? Ejaan, tak mungkin kot salah, sebab ada spellcheck...kalau ada juga ejaan salah maknanya aku tak autokan spellcheck la tu...kui..kui..kui...
tapi tang ayat - ayat tu, mungkin lah bertaburan...tanyalah orang yang jadi cikgu english...mesti
dia cakap, English takat level darjah 6 jer ni.....tapi aku tak kisah jugak...yang penting aku tetap teruskan
niat aku untuk belajar berbahasa Inggeris ni...kang kalo aku tak reti  mcm mana nak berkomunikasi ngan laki aku pulak kan? dah la dia sejemput jer paham bahasa Malaysia...Bahasa Ibunda aku pulak haram dia tak paham sepatah pun...tu lah antara sebab2 aku tulis dlm bahasa Inggeris, selain memperbaiki penguasaanku dlm bahasa tersebut, laki aku pun boleh turut sama membaca dan mendapat info2 terkini dari blog ni...
maklumlah...dia kan jauh nun di sana...

So BNS, aku harap, jgn lah dengan alasan tak reti BI ko tak jenguk blog aku ni...sudi2 lah...(ceh, mcm paksa pula aku neh kan) huhuhuhu...tapi aku tau, walau pun BNS tak reti katanya, mesti ada lah dia jeling2 jugak blog neh, seminggu sekali tu mesti ada...caya la!!!! setakat tu jer la gossip aku cipta untuk BNS kali ni....

p/s: sepuluh jari aku susun ni tau!!! hahahahahahaa
cantikkan? berseri gitu...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


i supposed to write this topic in the other blog ::
but, since  i already posted a topic there for today, i will just post this in here....both are my blogs, anyway..:)

well, i brought Angel to the Clinic at 2.00 pm, the purpose of her appointment for today
is only to monitor her weight...her  last appointment was in Nov 2010
3 months ago...and, since her weight was just above the border
( to be exact is 11.3 kg at age of 2yrs 11months) is that skinny???
anyway, guess how much she weigh today?? 11.6kgs  for age 3yrs 1month. 
the gaining is almost invisible, at 300grams or 100grams per month..
my oh my Angel...but, its ok, not to worry...
the graph is still above the yellow line (yellow is for underweight) :)
i think she is just trying to keep herself slim.. is her progress since birth... always a little above the yellow line
as long as she is healthy...all is well
Her health is the most important!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


anyway, i have to write in Malay this time....hahahaha

dah tu, orang (ahcik sue) suh aku bagi jawapan kepada soalan yang tak ditranslatekan ke bahasa orang putih... kui3..jgn marah weh...

antara soklan2 yg perlu aku jawap dan dipostkan kedalam blog aku sendiri..taraaa :

1. apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?
 #mengemaskinikan blog  tak perasan ker dah warna warni dan font budak2 dah di applykan??hahahahaha.......

2. minggu lepas…?
#soklan ni susah sikit. minggu lepas tu hari berapa? kalo nak list setiap hari, kang berjela2 pula jawapan.  kalau nak rumuskan utk seminggu, ok, Isnin hingga Rabu, bekerja, Khamis-Public holiday kerana Hari Thaipusam, Jumaat-kerja balik, Sabtu-shopping untuk parti oren dan Ahad-pagi pi church, petang pi Hi-Tea..heheheheh

3. 3 lagu yang anda sedang dengar sekarang ?
#Aku dengar lagu "Pelangi Selepas Hujan" pasti ada yang tertanya, siapa penyanyi, lagu apa? takyah tahu lah ya...aku dok ulang jer lagu tu, so lagu tu jer la aku dgr...bukan 3 lagu...

4. 3 lagu yang anda tak suka dengar?
#bukan 3 jer lagu aku tak suka dengar...tetapi kesemua lagu yang liriknya bodo3 dan music yang tak sedap didengar oleh telinga aku!!!

5. 3 perkara yang anda suka buat bila duit banyak ?
#1. belanja kawan makan(kalau tak belanja-duit takda la tu) 2. pergi melancong 3. dan makan-makan lagi...

6. kalau diberi binatang peliharaan, binatang apa yang anda suka bela ? kenapa ?
#kalau boleh aku nak pelihara sumer binatang, biar ada mini zoo gitu...sebab aku peminat binatang, percayalah, aku bercakap benar!

7. anda tak reti buat …………buat baju(maksudnya menjahit seperti si piah)

8. anda lebih rela memilih …………….memilih apa? memilih warna pink dari warna biru ...errr betul ke jawapan neh?

9. 3 barang berharga dalam purse anda ?
#1.duit kertas walau tak banyak
#2. IC/Lesen Memandu
#3. Segala kad yang berkaitan dgn bank...hehehehe

10. anda seorang …………..?
#setia pada persahabatan...untung lah korang yang sebagai kawan, (tanya orang yang dah kawan lama ngan aku, mesti dorang setuju) maka rugilah yang bukan kawan ...percayalah..selain itu seorg yang sangat terbuka dan menghormati orang lain...hehehehe ye ke aku neh? ye la...

11. 3 perkara yang tak pernah membosankan anda ?
#1. bergelak ketawa
#2. Tidur
#3. Melancong

12. sabar dan cerewet, mana satu yang sesuai dengan diri anda ?
# sabar kot?..errk?cerewet sikit jer pun...

13. 3 laman web yang anda selalu lawati ?

14. anda x faham …………..?
# banyak bahasa/dialect daerah di Malaysia (menjawap soalan ker?)

15. ramai yang berkata anda seorang ………..baik hati dan pemurah...betul la...

16. ayat pertama setelah anda mendapat tag ini ? ………..
#jom jawap...jawaplah dgn jujur.....

Akhir kata...kepada sesapa yang berkenan..ehh...berkenaan - To Know Me Is To Love Me

Monday, January 24, 2011

ON the Fortunate Afternoon!

the day that has been long awaited for has arrived...

The "special invitation"

The Color i wore
I was actually stuffed from my Chicken Rice lunch 2hrs before the event, but still, i managed to push myself to take these on my plate. :) I can't resist the Butter Prawn!
The choices for my appetite
Left two lucky draws so i have no much choices...
The presents and the lucky draws!!!

The lucky participants

My Lucky gift-I got it from Yani & The Lucky Lady who got My Gift

These are the toys that we used on the happening afternoon. Everyone enjoyed being the photographer of her own...:)

Their Toys VS My Toy

Mysteries were solved!!! what i wore, what gift that i've chosen and the lucky person who received it. I surely hope you like my gift Pn. Ida. It is something i wish to have for myself...:)

Gifts opening ceremony

The two little flower girls

Thank you, Ladies.
We have had a memorable afternoon, the environment, the chatting and the fun time we've shared especially taking some photos surrounding by heavy rain!

Am so happy to know and to be friended to each and everyone of you lovely ladies.
May the bond of our friendship gets stronger as the days pass regardless the
little differences between us.

(^The End^)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I.N.T.R.O ---- 2

hhmmmm.....what a feeling
relax and ready...
now i can breath easily
all missions are completed...

as the previous post,
choosing the right gift is quite hard
have to consider every angle as possible
hehehe...but i still stick to my instinct.
what is lovely, what is adorable
what is nice, what is beautiful
what is useful, what is last
is what i want for myself
so i what one lucky friends of mine
wants too!!!

here are few options:-

Anyway, is my mystery gift one of those above?? nay..nay..nay...i wouldn't tell... is my mystery gift:---

and these two are the side gifts..hehehehe, who will be lucky to receive the side gifts????
to be continued....

Thursday, January 20, 2011


hmmmm...Sunday 23rd Jan is coming..
getting ready for our Orange Party a.k.a Long Hi-Tea
at IOI Resort....
is everyting has been arranged yet?
well, not for me to worry about...
cause this time am not the "ketua rombong"
..has been windowed shopping the whole morning
target? the attire and the present
hmmm it was a tough job actually
firstly, is to find an attire that suit the 'orange" theme
Secondly, is to buy a present that makes the receiver remember it forever :)
something that last long.....thats the real meaning..

let's check these out!!!!!

JUST Wait and See!!! be continued...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


mISS nO gOOD..

remember something???

surely for those who are Korean/Taiwanese Drama addicts..


She wears every color everyday and never forget to put atleast one

of her fancy hairclips...

then they accidently share a cab to a same destination...

and He is a sharp-poison-tangue fashion/image designer...

get the picture

He called her a Christmas Tree -that only needs presents next to her feet!!!!

then the comedy romance continues......

it was on our local tv few years back, but now showing again

every Sunday 9.30am on 8tv...hihihihiiiiii....

cant take my eyes out of the screen....

feel like i am 18 again...those feelings are real

and make life full of colors...

love is unpredictable

and ones could fall many times

depending on ones situations

chance. time and the person ones involve with

but as for me

as for now




Friday, January 14, 2011

A Story To Live By

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always
there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see
the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her
He asked her,'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected
that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life
led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her
saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before
they were yours, they were mine.'

This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who
was always by their side in the most painful situations.


just for fun
what would i say?

am pretty positive it is not my fault..

dont blame me for not being helpful

those should understand

that, in the first place

it has nothing to do with me

Arrghh...little thing like this

make any sane human


why in this world

existed such person


for the third day, am suffering backache...

the pain is lessen than two days ago

but still bothering me every minute

What could have possibly wrong with me???

..........and everything is for your glory!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

In Kayan pulak

pedung-pedung pikin kah uk tek kah nusi
daha basa ket alem blog tiap kali ineng traffice feeds anan
tek paen kah hakai nai nyangei...rasanya takkanlah nyagai tua
mesti te kah balei aleng mejoh ji dua liap seng basa...
no deng kelo, sebareng tua ket alem inih...
nep basa or em nep basai suka ati la....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


What shall i say? it was great!
i was totally all out...
should i tell, i wanted to faint (@^@)
huu hahhh huu hahhh..
inhale exhale inhale exhale..
i think my face had turned pale...
don't stop, move it..move to the left, move to the right
inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale..
i salute you pok!
you did better than me!!! oh yes!!
keep it up, i will be right behind you
supporting your back (^____^)

anyway...this is going to continue for the year through
i can't promise though to myself if i could make
it to the finish line
but it surely something i enjoy very much
looking forward to another session
for the time being i will just
reserve my energy and
building my stamina
so i get fit into it..

oh yess!!!

D.RaMa...for 2Day

too much drama? who fits the label? or who fits the title?
simple: every single individuation..
oh yes!!! am a drama queen myself, so ARE you!
the only thing that differentiate us is
"OUr Roles" and the ways we play them...
that make you and me different.

but for me it is so simple...keep my feet on the ground
and play my roles as genuinely as i added ingredients,
just being me...

and if you choose to play your role adding sugar, salt, seasoning...
well, you might get great taste, many will fancy you, but...
nay!!! that's isn't your true self...
and i why should i care if you are not you???!

Monday, January 3, 2011

mencuba dan terus mencuba

perlu bakat ker?
rasanya tak yar arrr
yg penting rajin..
kah3 muka aku ni rajin?
sikit jer kot
menaip dah lah mcm ayam mematuk beras
skill dah semakin berkurang
tu la, malas lagi menaip
lama-lama skill akan hilang
ooooohhhhhh baru perasan kebaikan menulis blog
tau aper??
menajamkan skill menaip!!!
keep it up! Keep it up..
akan aku terus berusaha.....

ish..ish.. rupanya, aku ada akaun blog sejak 2008 lagi...
punyalah ngok ngek tak ingat...hahahahahha
takper-takper yang penting
aku dah cuba menulis semula
tulis jer lah entah apa-apa
yang penting typing skil makin maju

Rock A Bye-Baby
on the tree top
when the wind blows,
the cradle will rock
when the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall
and down will come baby
cradle and all

so sweet the melody of this nursery rhyme comes over and over again in my mind...and my little Angel like it very much too